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There are many travel options available on our sites and we want to make your search results as relevant as possible. Thats why we offer lots of ways to help you search for and plan your travel.
Our site uses complex, dynamic algorithms to ensure your search results are ordered efficiently.
On the search results page, you can select how to sort the results we display, and also use filter options to see only those search results that meet your chosen preferences. If you dont decide to use these features, then youll see our chosen default sort order which orders results as follows:
Results are ordered starting with the most relevant and competitive offers based on a range of factors, including a propertys offered price compared to its historical prices, its guest rating, number of reviews, number of bookings to date, and location (relative to your destination search).
They are also further differentiated by traveler satisfaction factors, including the range and quality of images provided for properties, the accuracy of the property description, the number of guest relocations and the number of refunds due to complaints about stays, property availability on our sites, and the overall price competitiveness for our travelers.
We are not paid by any suppliers to increase sort order ranking.
If you select a specific sort order option such as those prioritizing price, deals, guest reviews, property class or rating, distance from center, etc., the results list will be presented using the factors above, focused on your selection. This will also be the case for some pages that showcase offers in a destination or for a style of accommodation, etc.
If you apply a filter, the results list will be presented using the factors above, filtered by the specific feature(s) and amenity(ies) youve selected.
Were constantly updating our systems and testing new ways to refine your results to make them as relevant as possible to accommodate your needs.